France François

France is a a dynamic lawyer with a passion for blending law, tech, policy, and photography into a powerful force for change.

About France

France is a multifaceted lawyer who thrives at the intersection of law, tech, policy, and photography. Drawing on her past experience in human rights and international development, she is adept at aligning global priorities with local realities--connecting people to the policies and innovations that shape their lives. Through her camera lens, France captures the world as it is so that we can imagine it as it should be. Her goal is to arm communities with the knowledge and tools needed to envision and create a more just society, on and offline.An experienced keynote speaker and op-ed contributor, France's expertise is a draw for media outlets, including MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Post, Ebony, Latino USA, The Grio, Remezcla, The Miami Herald, and in the Washington Post.








St Lucia


Star Boy

The Guna people are an indigenous group of Panama that live on islands in the San Blas archipelago, also known as the Guna Yala archipelago. This young boy proudly shows a star he caught

sun kisses the sea

The sun sets on the Pacific coast of Panama. On Panama’s Pacific shores, the waves dance like silver ribbons under the sun’s golden embrace, whispering secrets to those who listen. Lush jungles frame the horizon, where the surf’s symphony serenades the vibrant hues of dusk. Each wave is a fleeting poem, penned by the ocean's hand and read by the heart of the surfer.

Drummer Boys

In Portobelo’s embrace, the Festival de Los Congos bursts into life like a vivid dream, where drums beat the heartbeat of ancestral rhythms. Dazzling masks and vibrant costumes weave a tapestry of history and spirit, celebrating the legacy of Afro-Panamanian heritage with each resplendent step. Under the Caribbean sky, the dance of the Congos transforms the night into a living, breathing homage to culture and unity.


In Casco Viejo, the once-weathered streets now whisper with the polished echo of gentrified dreams, where historic facades draped in modernity mask the fading murmur of old tales. Elegant restorations cast a gilded sheen over the crumbling heartbeats of forgotten lives, as the rhythm of progress mingles uneasily with the ghostly echoes of the past. Amidst the lavish renovations and upscale boutiques, the soul of the old city treads a delicate balance, caught between nostalgia's embrace and the relentless march of displacement.

El Pequeño Tamborilero

At the Fiesta de la Etnia Negra, Panama pulses with a vibrant mosaic of heritage and rhythm, where drums echo ancestral chants beneath a canopy of colorful banners. The air is alive with a rich tapestry of dance, weaving stories of resilience and pride in every swirling step and vibrant hue. Amidst the jubilant celebrations, the soul of Afro-Panamanian culture shines brightly, a radiant tribute to unity and enduring spirit.

shimmy shimmy koko pop

On a sunlit street in Panama, black girls leap with grace, their laughter and rhythm entwining like the ropes of double Dutch, which skip and whirl like whispers of childhood magic. Each synchronized bounce is a testament to their joy and strength, a dance of resilience painted against the backdrop of endless possibility. As they soar in unison, their spirits weave a vibrant tapestry, celebrating freedom and unity in every effortless twirl and joyful cheer.

free senegal

In Senegal, as the sun sets, something magical happens along the beaches. They become more than just open-air gyms; they transform into a sacred space where communion with one another takes center stage. Here, the act of exercising together, sharing laughter, and physical contact takes on significance. It defies the isolation that can plague societies and serves as a powerful gesture of liberation. Amidst the turmoil of Senegalese politics and the ache of disconnection following globalization, the simple yet profound act of reaching out to touch a fellow human being becomes an embodiment of freedom itself.

Lose Yourself

On Senegal's sun-drenched shores, beach wrestling unfolds like a primal ballet, where sand and sweat mingle in a testament to strength and tradition. Wrestlers, bodies glistening beneath the African sun, engage in a dance of power and honor, their movements a rhythmic echo of ancient customs and fierce competition. As the waves lap the shoreline, the beach becomes a sacred ground where valor and heritage entwine in every grappling embrace.

The way you move

On the sunlit shore, soccer’s rhythms blend with the sea’s song, as bare feet dance across golden sands in a game of boundless joy. Each kick sends the ball arcing like a fleeting comet, while laughter and cheers weave a tapestry of carefree exhilaration against the backdrop of rolling waves. As dusk falls, the game’s echoes linger in the cool breeze, a testament to the pure, unbridled magic of playing where earth meets ocean.

forward in this generation

In the quiet strength of their camaraderie, boys forge bonds that defy the confines of tradition, their friendship a rebellion against the stifling shadows of Western patriarchy. Together, they share unspoken truths and tender moments, their laughter and support weaving a tapestry of vulnerability and resilience. As they stand united, their bond becomes a beacon of change, illuminating a path where strength is defined by compassion and equality.

A man and his pet goat

Through the neighborhood’s winding paths, a man and his pet goat wander side by side, their footsteps a harmonious duet against the cobblestone's rhythm. The goat’s curious eyes mirror the man’s gentle gaze, as they explore each corner with a shared sense of wonder and quiet companionship. As they stroll beneath the dappled sunlight, their presence weaves a tranquil narrative of unity and simple joys amidst the bustle of everyday life.

Rock the boat

At sunset, the pirogues rest upon the Senegalese shore like timeless sentinels, their weathered forms bathed in the soft, amber glow of twilight. Each boat, cradled by the sand and whispering of distant voyages, is silhouetted against the horizon's fiery canvas, a testament to countless journeys. As the day’s last light caresses their curved hulls, the pirogues stand as quiet witnesses to the tranquil poetry of dusk, where the sea meets the sky in a tender embrace.

cuba libre

In Cuba's heat, the act of smoking cigars becomes a ritual of reverence, where each puff releases a symphony of rich, aromatic clouds that dance through the warm twilight. The cigar's ember glows like a ember of tradition, casting a mellow light over leisurely conversations and the rhythmic pulse of the island's life. As the smoke spirals, it carries with it the essence of Cuba's storied past, a fragrant testament to the art of savoring every moment.

all that jazz

In Cuba’s vibrant heart, jazz flows like a soulful river, its melodies entwining with the rhythms of the island’s passionate pulse. Each note dances through the air, painting the night with a tapestry of improvisation and emotion, where brass and keys weave stories of timeless enchantment. As the music swells, it becomes a living heartbeat of Cuba’s essence, a symphony of history and spirit that moves the soul.

chèlbè in paris

Chèlbè is the whisper of cool, pirouetting into the spotlight with a delicate defiance and effortless charm. She weaves through the air with an understated grace, draping the ordinary in a cloak of magnetic allure. In every stride and subtle gesture, she transforms Paris into a dance of style and self-assuredness, a testament to the art of being uniquely, unapologetically chèlbè.

Take Me To your river

In Jamaica, rivers trace their paths like silver veins through the lush embrace of emerald hills, their waters a hymn to the island's verdant spirit. They meander with a serene rhythm, their gentle whispers blending with the rustling leaves and the distant call of the tropics. Each bend and cascade tells a tale of timeless beauty, where the river’s dance with the land becomes a liquid tapestry of Jamaica’s unspoken grace and wild tranquility.

st lucia

Petit Piton rises from St. Lucia’s verdant embrace like a sentinel of dreams, its rugged silhouette etched against the azure sky. Cloaked in mist and mystery, it soars with a silent majesty, cradling the island's secrets within its ancient stone. As dawn’s first light kisses its slopes, Petit Piton stands as a timeless monument, a majestic whisper of nature’s grandeur and the island’s eternal allure.

daddy's girl

A father’s love for his daughter is a timeless tapestry, woven with threads of unwavering tenderness and silent strength. In his gaze, she finds the world’s endless possibilities, and in his embrace, the unspoken promise of eternal support. As she grows, his heart quietly rejoices in every triumph and soothes every sorrow, a steadfast beacon guiding her through the stormy seas and serene sunsets of life.


France is an engaging and dynamic public speaker arming communities with the knowledge and tools needed to envision and create a more just society, on and offline.France also offers her expertise as a consultant to organizations and companies interested in defining, improving, or measuring the social impact of their products and policies, particularly on underrepresented communities globally.

france in the news

Explore France's writing through her editorials published in major publications and interviews.

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